How I Plan Vacations And How They Really Go
SO i'm used to spending months and days locked up in a prison i.e. my boarding school and i never get to be the one to play football or hockey or cricket or basketball over there cuz i don't like them and its the only sports offered. My bad luck. But there's always vacations to look forward to. Cuz i like swimming, and i can do that at the club back home.
At school, i used to spend all my time wondering and jotting down my plans for the vacations; i'd audition for different things, write about so many things, go out by the stream to write poetry, make those noodles whose recipe i was dying to try, make a few dozen sausage pizzas, send my writings to different publications, find an agent and get famous, compile a book which would make me win the common wealth poetry prize, work at the organization where my favorite movie critic works and so the list went on and on.

And who can forget studying.I mean, i'm a student and studies make major portions of my life. So studying enough to complete the text books' course and the exercises is always on the list. And since i know i'm a student who also happens to be a teenager then how can i miss putting "watch all summer blockbusters" on my list of things to complete during vacations, which are a mere fifty something movies (including the other ones i missed in the past). And who can forget their favorite Tv shows that they missed. So naturally, i have a couple of seasons left to watch.

And then there's the touring part. I live my life like rapunzel, captured in a long, but horizontal, building with no place to go. So it's natural for me to plan to go to my favorite picknick spots near my home and all the beautiful hilstations that are thronging with people cuz hey, IT'S VACATION TIME. Even though my boarding school is at a hillstation, but it does not project freedom of thronging like the people at the other hillstations.
It's a long long long list and even i fail to ask myself when i'm making it that would i be able to do all that? But still, i am pretty confident that i would be able to complete the list.
And somehow, i manage to end up doing pretty good. I watch all the movies, cook everything i wanted and then, I spend days and days finishing my tv serials and by the time i'm done with them, i realize that its only a few days till my vacations end and i start writing. I get done with that and then I look at my list and then think.......what went wrong? Oh, now i get it. I forgot to put sleeping on that list. So i end up spending the rest of the days sleeping and thinking that it weren't even possible for me to do all that. I mean, i'm just a kid. Who in their right mind would let a seventeen year old guy do all that by himself?
So my plans remain pending till the next summer break or the winter holidays. But i'm happy. At least i won't be left behind in my Gossip girl episodes now. And i got to sleep.
But the fun ends when i get back to school and realize how my classmates are way way ahead of me in their class performance and their test scores. But when i see my poems on my lame attitude published in different magazines, i feel like my vacations were worth it! Even though i never got to complete my manuscript for my book-to-win-the-commonwealth poetry prize.
Well, that's my Preety good.
At school, i used to spend all my time wondering and jotting down my plans for the vacations; i'd audition for different things, write about so many things, go out by the stream to write poetry, make those noodles whose recipe i was dying to try, make a few dozen sausage pizzas, send my writings to different publications, find an agent and get famous, compile a book which would make me win the common wealth poetry prize, work at the organization where my favorite movie critic works and so the list went on and on.
And who can forget studying.I mean, i'm a student and studies make major portions of my life. So studying enough to complete the text books' course and the exercises is always on the list. And since i know i'm a student who also happens to be a teenager then how can i miss putting "watch all summer blockbusters" on my list of things to complete during vacations, which are a mere fifty something movies (including the other ones i missed in the past). And who can forget their favorite Tv shows that they missed. So naturally, i have a couple of seasons left to watch.
And then there's the touring part. I live my life like rapunzel, captured in a long, but horizontal, building with no place to go. So it's natural for me to plan to go to my favorite picknick spots near my home and all the beautiful hilstations that are thronging with people cuz hey, IT'S VACATION TIME. Even though my boarding school is at a hillstation, but it does not project freedom of thronging like the people at the other hillstations.
It's a long long long list and even i fail to ask myself when i'm making it that would i be able to do all that? But still, i am pretty confident that i would be able to complete the list.
And somehow, i manage to end up doing pretty good. I watch all the movies, cook everything i wanted and then, I spend days and days finishing my tv serials and by the time i'm done with them, i realize that its only a few days till my vacations end and i start writing. I get done with that and then I look at my list and then think.......what went wrong? Oh, now i get it. I forgot to put sleeping on that list. So i end up spending the rest of the days sleeping and thinking that it weren't even possible for me to do all that. I mean, i'm just a kid. Who in their right mind would let a seventeen year old guy do all that by himself?
So my plans remain pending till the next summer break or the winter holidays. But i'm happy. At least i won't be left behind in my Gossip girl episodes now. And i got to sleep.
But the fun ends when i get back to school and realize how my classmates are way way ahead of me in their class performance and their test scores. But when i see my poems on my lame attitude published in different magazines, i feel like my vacations were worth it! Even though i never got to complete my manuscript for my book-to-win-the-commonwealth poetry prize.
Well, that's my Preety good.