What My Anatomy Sir Says in Class: Part 1
I recently joined a medical institute to pursue a BDS/DDS degree. Before joining, i was very skeptical about the fact that it's a medical institute and where will i ever get to unleash the creative beat that lingers in me. But after i started my classes, i realized that my anatomy sir has a lot to teach me.
Other than anatomy.

And the best part is that he even sometimes asks us to write down some stuff he says. Though the guys in my class make fun of me for jotting down the words that he says even the words he doesn't ask us to write, cuz they're so bring and philosophical, but i just have a knack for such stuff and i can't resist. But it doesn't mean that my sir is any less talented. He's strict! But very good, and i personally like his strictness cuz he's righteous! No matter how people dislike him, they'll have to thank him for making them study.
So i decided to share some of his words with you guys. And i plan to share more of them in the following days, if my studies allow. Butu i shall try my best.
So here's the first part:-
Life is what you are living now. You are who you are now. Neither the past nor the future is your life. You aren't what happened to you in your past you are what you make yourself now. So if you spent fifteen minutes out of a lecture of an hour, you lived your life only those fifteen minutes of that hour.
There is no waiting for the happiness you desire. Grab what you have now. Live everyday. Live every moment. (This can be better translated as him saying that be attentive during my lecture and then you'll get happiness in the form of good grades, but even otherwise it's great advice).
And by living life, it means using the situations you are presented with in life to most of what you can do and what you have. Cuz you are not gonna get anything else or you won't be spoon-fed. You need to do it all yourself.

See, medical colleges aren't as bad as i though they would be, though exclude ragging/fooling from this situation!
Other than anatomy.
And the best part is that he even sometimes asks us to write down some stuff he says. Though the guys in my class make fun of me for jotting down the words that he says even the words he doesn't ask us to write, cuz they're so bring and philosophical, but i just have a knack for such stuff and i can't resist. But it doesn't mean that my sir is any less talented. He's strict! But very good, and i personally like his strictness cuz he's righteous! No matter how people dislike him, they'll have to thank him for making them study.
So i decided to share some of his words with you guys. And i plan to share more of them in the following days, if my studies allow. Butu i shall try my best.
So here's the first part:-
Life is what you are living now. You are who you are now. Neither the past nor the future is your life. You aren't what happened to you in your past you are what you make yourself now. So if you spent fifteen minutes out of a lecture of an hour, you lived your life only those fifteen minutes of that hour.
There is no waiting for the happiness you desire. Grab what you have now. Live everyday. Live every moment. (This can be better translated as him saying that be attentive during my lecture and then you'll get happiness in the form of good grades, but even otherwise it's great advice).
And by living life, it means using the situations you are presented with in life to most of what you can do and what you have. Cuz you are not gonna get anything else or you won't be spoon-fed. You need to do it all yourself.
See, medical colleges aren't as bad as i though they would be, though exclude ragging/fooling from this situation!