The People On The Sides But in My Life
So many things left un-noticed
So many words unsaid...

The Hardworkers on every road side and every footpath who earn their living like this
People who have really really old cars and cannot afford going to a service station
In the middle of the road and all the huge cars of rich people, some people go to their offices/work still on bicycles, let alone motor bikes.
This girl had to stand a whole ride/journey of two hours in a bus loaded with people. Affording even this type of transportation for daily travel is hard for people. What i like about this girl is the fake gold ring on her hand, depicting that happiness is still affordable for these people. Even if it is not real gold.
No matter how big or super your car is, you still have to stand in line with all the regular people to fill your car with that fuel which is available only four days a week and oh-so-expensive
So many words unsaid...