An Analogy: Breaking the Shell


It's so hard to do something different. Even if I try to go a little bit out of my shell, I feel like crying" , said a friend of mine. And this is what I have to say to him, and everyone


It's hard to get out of your comfort zone-your shell- but you have to. Else, how will you grow, as a human, as a person, as the protagonist of your own novel? When a baby omes out of the womb, it faces a whole new world. It can't breathe, it feels cold, it's now an individual; so it cries, It cries to breathe, and survive. It can't stay in the womb forever. It has to grow too. The baby has to become human. So it comes out of the shell and stands facing the world.

The same is how it with taking steps in life we are afraid to take. This is how it is if we want to break away and break barriers and set new horizons for ourselves. We're scared, we cry, we're alone, but we have to do it. We have to live, we have to grow, we have to survive.

But most of all, this is an important part of who we are, because unless we don't take that scary step, we won't know what we're capable of.