Some Dilemmas I am Facing as a Content Creator

I have been blogging for almost eight years now. I have gotten published and have experienced so many things and so many of my dreams coming true through all of that. But I feel so stuck.

I am unable to figure out what to post online now. I'm not even sure I want to post on social media anymore.

The monotony of imagery is depressing.

So I started blogging for myself. I used to post my poetry and my musings. At that time social media was not the primary place to post. I still think it isn't.

I want to come back to my basics and talk about what I like and try to be myself more. I have always done that, but I think as I am going through an identity change in my personal life, I am becoming aware of how it plays into my social media.

I got rejected from grad schools. I stayed sick for a couple of months and had a surgery. I got a job I wanted, but had to let it go. My aunt passed away. The year is not over and I've already been through so much. It's just...changed my perspective a lot.

And I was wondering about the constant thrill of notification, and how it's lead my body to be conditioned to hyperstimulation and how it's draining so much of me.

I want to share my life on social media not for the likes or the fame, but because I feel my posts can add value to the lives of the people who see them and not just be something to see; but something to feel. And most of all, add value to my life. I don't want it to be aimless swiping down and down...


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