a poem about bed sheets

dust is just skin peeling.
at night when
home becomes 
a pitcher of memories
that pours itself in my eyes,
i am held in this dust.
dandruff, in a way.
a girl i once hated
loved to remind me of specks
on my shoulders.
she doesn't know 
we are the weight of
what our palms cannot
Cleaning our clothes,
cleaning our hands.
her divorced mother
taught her to stay away
from skin darker than hers.
is the dust of their house
is the dust on my bed 
i have shed from my scalp
i have shed from my toes
i have shed in mosques
i have shed on roads.
here i am
under a roof of bricks
which are covered
in reflections of stars
my skin knows
are its forefathers.
i do not know mine.
i think my grandfather's
was from a star
that probably hated itself.
i am sleeping
with my bed sheet dusty.