You Gotta be Happy On Your Own
A freind of mine recently wrote about breaking up and moving on, and i said to him i wish i could. This was his reply
well, "my friend, it’s not also so easy for me to quit the past, but not long ago I began to realize that it’s too pointless to dwell in the past, when I could just enjoy the present and look forward to the future while learning from my mistakes or adventures.
… sometimes you meet really amazing people that you would otherwise never meet had you not let go of your past, and you wonder! … exceptional things often happen when you least expect them …
Breaks ups happen for many reasons, sometimes it’s good that they happen, but because we develop attachment to that person we fail to see the positive aspects of the break-up that we only think of it as a “loss” that must not have happened, etc. That is really a mistake. What you consider a “loss” at the time of the breakup, you may later on realize that it was actually a “gain” that you are so freaking happy that past is gone. But to feel that kind of happiness it may take you years or few months of dark room, self lockups. lol However, if in the beginning of the breakup you accept it both from a positive and negative perspective, then you won’t be hurt that much … you have a reason to hope for the better … coz as they say, THE BEST IS YET TO COME. :) Not always true, but you get the point. They say: don’t let the green pastures fool you; “what’s on the other side?” may not always be the best. :) That’s true too. … so you just have to find your way around in these two conditions; I guess this is where gambling becomes an important skill, which I lack, but I need not gamble, I can just HOPE, be optimistic, if my past fails me or I fail it. lol
The thing is I refuse just one thing or one person to determine my happiness or my sadness … if that person wants to remain with me, that’s excellent; if they wanna quit, FINE by me … I must feel happiness first without the involvement of another person; of course, an involvement will certainly double my happiness if I am with the right person. But first is first … I gotta be happy on my own … I cannot fully rely on only one thing or one person to b happy … That’s something I am slowly accepting and integrating in my life.

And trust me when I say that optimism pays off. lol big time."
And these words of him made me feel so much better, i thought i'd share :)
well, "my friend, it’s not also so easy for me to quit the past, but not long ago I began to realize that it’s too pointless to dwell in the past, when I could just enjoy the present and look forward to the future while learning from my mistakes or adventures.
… sometimes you meet really amazing people that you would otherwise never meet had you not let go of your past, and you wonder! … exceptional things often happen when you least expect them …
Breaks ups happen for many reasons, sometimes it’s good that they happen, but because we develop attachment to that person we fail to see the positive aspects of the break-up that we only think of it as a “loss” that must not have happened, etc. That is really a mistake. What you consider a “loss” at the time of the breakup, you may later on realize that it was actually a “gain” that you are so freaking happy that past is gone. But to feel that kind of happiness it may take you years or few months of dark room, self lockups. lol However, if in the beginning of the breakup you accept it both from a positive and negative perspective, then you won’t be hurt that much … you have a reason to hope for the better … coz as they say, THE BEST IS YET TO COME. :) Not always true, but you get the point. They say: don’t let the green pastures fool you; “what’s on the other side?” may not always be the best. :) That’s true too. … so you just have to find your way around in these two conditions; I guess this is where gambling becomes an important skill, which I lack, but I need not gamble, I can just HOPE, be optimistic, if my past fails me or I fail it. lol
The thing is I refuse just one thing or one person to determine my happiness or my sadness … if that person wants to remain with me, that’s excellent; if they wanna quit, FINE by me … I must feel happiness first without the involvement of another person; of course, an involvement will certainly double my happiness if I am with the right person. But first is first … I gotta be happy on my own … I cannot fully rely on only one thing or one person to b happy … That’s something I am slowly accepting and integrating in my life.
And trust me when I say that optimism pays off. lol big time."
And these words of him made me feel so much better, i thought i'd share :)