Things Like These Make the Bloggers Go!
I have been very very busy for the past few days and have been going on and on managing my admission into the dental college. So now that i actually have the time, i want to thank all the people who read my blog and commented. It encourages me to follow my heart and my dreams.
So i when i got to my comments today, i noticed i got an award called the "Liebster Award." Liebster is a German word which means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’. The idea of the Leibster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers and I decided that I should definitely write a post about it & pass the award on to 5 bloggers.

The Rules are:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere – other bloggers.
5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
This Award for given to me by my friend and a future sci-fi writer fhhakansson from Sweden, the amazing poetess Miss Sarah Jane and The Naughty Poet :)
Thank You so much Guys!
Now, it was hard deciding who to give the award to, and i hope I'm not upsetting anyone, but i made sure that i gave the award to the ones who need encouragement. I am all about giving people, and specially newbies hope. So here is my list of the bloggers whom i wanna present the award with
1. Miss Noeleen, who has been supporting me a lot and providing me with support i can never thank her enough for :) Her writing style is a narrative and she writes so beautifully that one feels sh'es actually there saying it all to you and you can feel her. You can Check her out at this link
2. An Afghani Kid with a huge ambition to blog. His blog is very interesting and one comes to learn about their culture from him. Moreover he's very young so i really really appreciate that a lot :D You can check him out at this link.
3. One of the cutest blog I have ever read and the author, Blue Sky Poet is also very amusing, specially her teddy bear that she carries around (she's a middle aged woman). You can check out her blog at this link
4. This guy actually happens to have a very eye catching name, "Na-laiq Panda" which when translated from Urdu, means "Unintelligent/Loser Kid." Through his blog, i don't see anything wrong with him though. Just a guy who loves Eminem A LOT! and who loves to rap :P Check out his blog at this link.
5. Kweschn! Read as Question in a Pakistani accent :D Though this guy hails from Ethiopia, he is actually living in New York (for which i envy him). He's an amazing poet and writes about so many things that a person usually wonders. His blog is majorly poetry, and i have learned a lot from him. Check him out at this link

So Congrats to ME!!! Yay me!!! OOOH! I totally forgot about the ones i picked.
You guys are great! More than me actually, and better than me :P So keep up the good work.
Once again, thank you Miss Sarah Jane, fhhakansson and The Naughty Poet!
I hope my readers are going to enjoy these bloggers as well :)
So i when i got to my comments today, i noticed i got an award called the "Liebster Award." Liebster is a German word which means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’. The idea of the Leibster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers and I decided that I should definitely write a post about it & pass the award on to 5 bloggers.
The Rules are:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogsphere – other bloggers.
5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma.
This Award for given to me by my friend and a future sci-fi writer fhhakansson from Sweden, the amazing poetess Miss Sarah Jane and The Naughty Poet :)
Thank You so much Guys!
Now, it was hard deciding who to give the award to, and i hope I'm not upsetting anyone, but i made sure that i gave the award to the ones who need encouragement. I am all about giving people, and specially newbies hope. So here is my list of the bloggers whom i wanna present the award with
1. Miss Noeleen, who has been supporting me a lot and providing me with support i can never thank her enough for :) Her writing style is a narrative and she writes so beautifully that one feels sh'es actually there saying it all to you and you can feel her. You can Check her out at this link
2. An Afghani Kid with a huge ambition to blog. His blog is very interesting and one comes to learn about their culture from him. Moreover he's very young so i really really appreciate that a lot :D You can check him out at this link.
3. One of the cutest blog I have ever read and the author, Blue Sky Poet is also very amusing, specially her teddy bear that she carries around (she's a middle aged woman). You can check out her blog at this link
4. This guy actually happens to have a very eye catching name, "Na-laiq Panda" which when translated from Urdu, means "Unintelligent/Loser Kid." Through his blog, i don't see anything wrong with him though. Just a guy who loves Eminem A LOT! and who loves to rap :P Check out his blog at this link.
5. Kweschn! Read as Question in a Pakistani accent :D Though this guy hails from Ethiopia, he is actually living in New York (for which i envy him). He's an amazing poet and writes about so many things that a person usually wonders. His blog is majorly poetry, and i have learned a lot from him. Check him out at this link
So Congrats to ME!!! Yay me!!! OOOH! I totally forgot about the ones i picked.
You guys are great! More than me actually, and better than me :P So keep up the good work.
Once again, thank you Miss Sarah Jane, fhhakansson and The Naughty Poet!
I hope my readers are going to enjoy these bloggers as well :)