While The World Celebrates, We....Well, I Have No Idea What To Call It
Well, here i am. I know i didn't post anything new about the NEW YEAR, but i was so busy! anyways, i got an accidental/un planned holiday today. So i decided to write about that.
A week or two ago, my little brother left home for his school at his usual time at six in the morning. But instead of coming back at four in the evening, he came back home at ten, way late in the night. That was because there was a protest going on in the city which is so ever peaceful and considered to be one of the safest and most sound place in the whole country; Islamabad, our capital. Where the president sleeps (if he ever is in the country) and the rich roam the roads, while the poor just watch the girls pass by in their branded clothes. Anyways, so the protest was just like any other protest in the country; carried on by the angry uneducated and ignorant flash mobs who have no idea how to carry on a protest. Seriously, people in my country are jerks. They lit up tires on the road and burned down vehicles. They threw rocks and stones at the police and every vehicle that was not able to go to it's destination. And they broke all the windows of my li'l brother's van. Yes, they did and even though the driver kept telling the people that it's a kids' van, they didn't listen. All they could see was something out of everything they had to break. But luckily, my brother was not in it. Nor was any other student.
So while this all was happening and the driver was getting beaten up by those idiots, my little brother waited for hours at the school for the van to come. And when he was just about to enter his friend's home nearby the school, the van came(which was a little bit of a disappointment for him considering he was so excited for a sleepover). And in the evening, they left off for home. But you see, the protesters had not just covered one road, they were occupying every road! So my little brother and his van fellows had to stay in the van further and wait for the roads to open in the bitter cold, and don't forget that the windows of the van were broken and the air must've kept gushing in from all fours. And finally, after a day full of worry at our home, my little brother got back.
And yesterday, the same happened. But with me. But since it was a planned strike, i didn't have much trouble cuz my college is far off in a place where there is !a lot! of transport but since it was a protest, i was at least safe. But my van came late while all the while i went with a senior to her grandparents' place where they were gracious enough to present me an amazing and a tasty fish in lunch ;) And considering how i was dumb enough to think i can go home on public transport was funny, cuz the transports were dead that day :P
The point is that all these protests were being carried out because of the fact that we, Pakistani's, do not have gases in our homes to make food, we starve for hours and some do for days, and we can't warm ourselves and our homes in this killing cold. We do not have gas for our transports so we can commute. And by we i mean the majority of the people; the poor people who actually use public transports! So no wonder there's gonna be protesters. While i support the protesters' stance, i am no favor of how they are doing it. Hurting innocent people is not the way to do it. Burning down cars(yes, it happens, just yesterday a car was burnt with two kids in it) is not gonna help anyone but make matters worse.

While all of this happens, why don't you guys go and watch this video my friend made. IT'S OF THE LONGEST LINE OF CARS WAITING FOR GAS (I THINK APPROX 500)
A week or two ago, my little brother left home for his school at his usual time at six in the morning. But instead of coming back at four in the evening, he came back home at ten, way late in the night. That was because there was a protest going on in the city which is so ever peaceful and considered to be one of the safest and most sound place in the whole country; Islamabad, our capital. Where the president sleeps (if he ever is in the country) and the rich roam the roads, while the poor just watch the girls pass by in their branded clothes. Anyways, so the protest was just like any other protest in the country; carried on by the angry uneducated and ignorant flash mobs who have no idea how to carry on a protest. Seriously, people in my country are jerks. They lit up tires on the road and burned down vehicles. They threw rocks and stones at the police and every vehicle that was not able to go to it's destination. And they broke all the windows of my li'l brother's van. Yes, they did and even though the driver kept telling the people that it's a kids' van, they didn't listen. All they could see was something out of everything they had to break. But luckily, my brother was not in it. Nor was any other student.
So while this all was happening and the driver was getting beaten up by those idiots, my little brother waited for hours at the school for the van to come. And when he was just about to enter his friend's home nearby the school, the van came(which was a little bit of a disappointment for him considering he was so excited for a sleepover). And in the evening, they left off for home. But you see, the protesters had not just covered one road, they were occupying every road! So my little brother and his van fellows had to stay in the van further and wait for the roads to open in the bitter cold, and don't forget that the windows of the van were broken and the air must've kept gushing in from all fours. And finally, after a day full of worry at our home, my little brother got back.
And yesterday, the same happened. But with me. But since it was a planned strike, i didn't have much trouble cuz my college is far off in a place where there is !a lot! of transport but since it was a protest, i was at least safe. But my van came late while all the while i went with a senior to her grandparents' place where they were gracious enough to present me an amazing and a tasty fish in lunch ;) And considering how i was dumb enough to think i can go home on public transport was funny, cuz the transports were dead that day :P
The point is that all these protests were being carried out because of the fact that we, Pakistani's, do not have gases in our homes to make food, we starve for hours and some do for days, and we can't warm ourselves and our homes in this killing cold. We do not have gas for our transports so we can commute. And by we i mean the majority of the people; the poor people who actually use public transports! So no wonder there's gonna be protesters. While i support the protesters' stance, i am no favor of how they are doing it. Hurting innocent people is not the way to do it. Burning down cars(yes, it happens, just yesterday a car was burnt with two kids in it) is not gonna help anyone but make matters worse.
While all of this happens, why don't you guys go and watch this video my friend made. IT'S OF THE LONGEST LINE OF CARS WAITING FOR GAS (I THINK APPROX 500)