The Clock Ticks For You
No matter what life brings to you, you will move on. Sadness would carve your face into a roughness that depicts experience, happiness will bring the spark to your eyes that seemed long gone. It’s life; it’s unexpected but it’s up to you to decide how you want to be when you’re old.
Looking at this picture, I can only see a man who is living in the moment. We don’t see the patched up past or the unseen future, but what we see is the smile, the hope and the happiness. It’s all about living in the moment, living in your present and enjoying what you have right now. It’s about smiling, it’s about looking at yourself in the mirror and telling yourself that you are the same you as you were ages ago. Just be honest to who you are seize the moment. Make life worth living. Because every second passed is not coming back.
Compiled in collaboration with someone. He took the pic I wrote the stuff.