
I had always been fascinated by the pictures a few of my facebook friends posted on facebook. They used this app called "Instagram" to post those photos and man was I shocked to see how beautiful they looked. I always wondered how beautiful this app can make pictures look. But does it mean that everyone's a photographer, thanks to Instagram? No wonder the app is so famous. It makes everyone a photographer, which me and my li'l bro thought was unfair. Adding filters doesn't make one a photographer

That was until I switched from a java phone to android that I realized why this app is famous. It's not about being a photographer but about the fact that how easy it is to use. Its the best app for sharing pics on your Facebook or Twitter accounts and they look good! Though photographers might feel threatened by the fact that this app may make some non-photographers feel they're better, but what's wrong with making your pics look good? Not everyone can use Photoshop and Instagram is an easy way to make their pics look good and be able to show them off on their Facebook profiles.

Its been a few days since I started using Instagram and I'm hooked to it. I find it the best way to make Facebook updates as I'm the type of person who snaps away his life and can't be bothered to update the status all the time, but when you add a picture, it gets better. Life becomes so movie-ish. Yes, maybe that's why Instagram is famous; A certain filter can make you feel like you're in a music video.

So here's a few samples of my "Instagramming"

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All these pics were first taken without using Instagram and are results of my experimentation with Instagram. And I must say, I'm loving the results!

So what do you think of my new addiction, Instagram? Are you an Instagram addict too?