Understanding my Obsession With Gucci

I am not rich. Not rich enough to be able to afford Gucci, that is. But I find myself lusting after Gucci's collections over and over. The only Gucci I have as of writing this is their Gucci Guilt perfume for men that broke in flight. So kind of like a kacha-pakka Gucci item. God forbid I buy a fake Gucci. I'd rather stay the way I am than be that desperate. But I have, for a long time, tried to emulate that Gucci Aesthetic.

I have thought long and hard about why. Its not because Ranveer Singh can so easily don a whole Gucci look and get away with it. Its also not because of Jared Leto and the soft boy aesthetic he so confidently vibes off. While it might have a bit to do with the marketing Gucci does, I think it will always come down to the fact that Gucci embraces flowers like no other brand could.

Its not just the floral pattern but the floral existence. Its the way the campaigns embrace the spring sun, and the burst of color. Its the way there's something so deeply childlike about the clothes and the campaigns. A slight nudge that awakens the senses, and a yearning for something innocent.

Nostalgia, maybe?

Its almost like the Lorde song Ribs. A lonely innocence. That's exactly what Gucci evokes.

While my obsession with glitter and roses borders insane, I think the way Gucci deals with this is what I would want my life to be like - a spring sun tainted existence where my house is surrounded by flowers and and yards and yards filled with grass and animals. Almost like a fashionable 1920's in which men can embrace their vulnerability and love like no-one's watching. A love filled existence. Not necessarily romantic love, but just...love. You know what I mean?

I guess my love for Gucci is more about the fact that I want to live in a world where there are no norms on how to behave and be, and just be what one wants to be. It's about living a life not bounded by asphalt and the limits walking on it brings.

Freedom. Nostalgia. The piety of youth. Believe. That's all I want.

To just be.

And I guess that's why I love Gucci.

All images via fuckingyoung.es