Skincare for Men - Klairs Vitamin C Serum - Mini Review

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As a guy who started facing into adulthood, my struggle was tough. I had to ditch the beard and go for a clean shave for almost the whole year before my acne could clear up.

I made the mistake of popping my pimples by hand, at home. That left huge scars on my face. Hyperpigmentation (known as increased brown marks) was also something I started facing with my pimples and it would take weeks to calm them down.

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Anyhow, for the acne scars and marks and hyperpigmentation, I had lying around the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin Drops that was an impulse buy from the black friday sales. It has 5% Vitamin C so it's pretty decent an amount. Make sure to keep it refrigerated. It also has centella asiatica which calms down acne.

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I must tell you, i am in love! It works great to reduce my hyperpigmentation and acne scars. They were reduced to 80% after a month's use.


1. Cleanse the face thoroughly.

2. Use one drop of the serum on each cheek, one for forehead, one for chin and neck area. Four drops in total.

3. Follow up with moisturizer. (Preferably Klairs Vitamin E Mask/Cream)

4. If used during daytime, follow it up with sun screen.

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RATING: 5/5. Would Definitely Repurchase.