TrendILike: Going the Tartan Way
Alexander McQueen revolutionized the Tartan. I have had it on my blanket since I was a baby, and I have always adored it. It is often easy to confuse Plaid with tartan, but the difference is not that much. Plaid is a garment, tartan is a pattern. That's it. Burberry's plaid pattern has been their historic symbol. SO in short, I think these two big names are responsible for revolutionizing the plaid, or tartan. The history can be discussed, but i won't. It's too complicated. Let's just say Tartan is more than just the plaid dull colors and can spice up your look. Not that there's anything wrong with plaid. I just see all brown when I think of plaid, and with Tartan, green, red and yellow are the colors that come to my mind!
Tartan/Plaid/Checkered. Yes. That's what's on our lingo. Whatever suits you, though.
So what's in store for you if you wanna go the tartan way? Well, you can go the simpler way, hang a rug on your wall that a Tartan print, or on the floor. Tartan adds a really classy look to your room, even if it's a blanket, like mine.
Then there's the usual way; a scarf! yes, if you know various ways to tie your scarf, then it can surely make your look better. A tartan scarf would go great with a black or brown button down sweater or a jacket. But make sure that's the only color in your dress/look that's popping color, else it would make your look look trashy and overdone. They're just found at almost every other shop you'd go to look for a scarf, even the small outdoor vendors selling cheap stuff have them!
You can wear Tartan shirts. They look really cool. But it's not for everyone. They're not meant to be work with your dress pants; they're meant for your jeans. You can find great tartan shirts from Gul Ahmed. Try the look with a simple white tee. It looks really good.
Ties. Yes, that's also a subtle way to add the tartan flavor to your wardrobe. Ties make a great look. Then again, they can break a look too. Make sure you don't over do it. Suits are supposed to look classy, not trashy. So make sure your tartan tie compliments your overall look.
Remember my post about rolled up pants? Well, Tartan socks can really loo great with your rolled up pants/trousers. Since it's a pattern, it HAS to look good. Also, the high length socks are so yesteryear. Try getting the ankle length ones.
Pants, trousers, yes! That's the most versatile of all the tartan ways to go. You can wear whatever you want for the top and make away with it. This look, though, is for the super fashion loving people. Not everyone can pull it off. You have to make sure your pants make you look classy, not as if you're in your pajamas!
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Jackets/Coats/Blazers/Tuxedos. They look great. Though not for your office meetings, but it can look nice on a family reunion or a party. But fashionistas can work their way around this tough choice any day. Plus, you always have Burberry.
Shoes. We have the regular slippers from any other store that you can buy. They look great. Or if you can, then buy sneakers. They're available in tartan prints too. You can also find shoes. If you know someone who can get you, order Louboutins, else, it's gonna be a hard hard search here in Pakistan.
If you know any other way to wear your tartan in a cool way, do let me know. So what do you think, is Tartan for you or not? I seem to be enjoying it a lot though. You can very well see!
Image Courtesy: Google Images