Let's Not be Too Quick to Judge: There's a difference b/w copying and trending!
In fashion, a lot of things look the same, lots of designs and ideas. And when you look into menswear, well, there's not much you can do. Quality aside, a lot of suits and jackets look the same. And when a lot things are the same ,you call it a trend. Nobody accuses the designer of copying stuff. Well, some copy very well, and it's very obvious it's a copy and not an original. Some call the copying to be inspiration but then again, a copy is something very different from a trend. A trend is your take on something, and copy is well, not thinking on your own. Somebody once told me that just because the bubble skirt was invented by a certain designer, doesn't mean others can't put their take on it. YSL is known to have invented the suit for the woman, but today, nobody will diss any designer who comes up with their line of suits for woman and claim that it's unoriginal or copied. Sometimes, things just are that way.
With the ending of the Bridal event of the year, PLBW, a lot of talk is going about town how Elan might have copied a certain Indian Designer in one of their designs. Let's discuss that keeping in mind what I have already said, trend vs copying. Clearly, one glance at the picture and you might think Elan has copied the other designer, but look again.The pattern of the embellishments is very different from one another.
We at the sub continent share certain roots with our neighboring country India and one of them happens to be the wedding culture. So we can clearly say that within the limits of this region, certain aspects of our design philosophies might coincide. And here, they do clash. And this similarity can be defined as a trend. And what might that trend be? Well, for all those who are too quick to jump to conclusions, it's called "Gradual Growing Motif." Just like tribal/ethnic prints and punk are gonna dominate the ramp internationally (clothes and accessories alike), and no one will accuse of designers copying each other, similarly gradual growing motif will be just another trend that people should get used to the fact is a trend. Burberry came out with the hearts on their stuff for their A/W'13 collection and ever since it hit the runway last year, we've been seen the hearts on a lot of (less) famous clothing lines. But then again, it's a trend, not a copy.
[caption id="attachment_3100" align="aligncenter" width="335"]
Smile! It's a trend!
Ali Xeeshan's Showstopper piece with the trend.[/caption]
Noor Jehan, the wife of the Mughal EmporerJehangir is known to have reinvented the dull and bland jewelry of the sub continent. And over the course of time, her reinvention has been reinterpreted and reinvented to the point where we have so much variety and trends even in jewelry, which I can assure you are very much similar to the ones we will see within all of the sub continent. Similiary, sharing roots with India is bound lead to formation of trends to be followed. Just know beforehand that it's a trend, not a copy, not a rip off. A trend.
With the ending of the Bridal event of the year, PLBW, a lot of talk is going about town how Elan might have copied a certain Indian Designer in one of their designs. Let's discuss that keeping in mind what I have already said, trend vs copying. Clearly, one glance at the picture and you might think Elan has copied the other designer, but look again.The pattern of the embellishments is very different from one another.
We at the sub continent share certain roots with our neighboring country India and one of them happens to be the wedding culture. So we can clearly say that within the limits of this region, certain aspects of our design philosophies might coincide. And here, they do clash. And this similarity can be defined as a trend. And what might that trend be? Well, for all those who are too quick to jump to conclusions, it's called "Gradual Growing Motif." Just like tribal/ethnic prints and punk are gonna dominate the ramp internationally (clothes and accessories alike), and no one will accuse of designers copying each other, similarly gradual growing motif will be just another trend that people should get used to the fact is a trend. Burberry came out with the hearts on their stuff for their A/W'13 collection and ever since it hit the runway last year, we've been seen the hearts on a lot of (less) famous clothing lines. But then again, it's a trend, not a copy.
[caption id="attachment_3100" align="aligncenter" width="335"]
Ali Xeeshan's Showstopper piece with the trend.[/caption]
Noor Jehan, the wife of the Mughal EmporerJehangir is known to have reinvented the dull and bland jewelry of the sub continent. And over the course of time, her reinvention has been reinterpreted and reinvented to the point where we have so much variety and trends even in jewelry, which I can assure you are very much similar to the ones we will see within all of the sub continent. Similiary, sharing roots with India is bound lead to formation of trends to be followed. Just know beforehand that it's a trend, not a copy, not a rip off. A trend.