My Trench Coat Dilemma

The winters are ending. And along with that, the season to don a long coat. Well, trench coat would be more appropriate, as everyone is seen wearing long coats nowadays. But you see, I have this fear that I can't pull off a trench coat. Like ever. The people I have seen wearing the coat, they look very awkward in it, and it's just this fear in my mind that I won't look good too. While I've been lusting after a trench coat, I just couldn't bring myself to buy it. Do I want it? Yes. Do I need it? I don't know. It's just very confusing.

While I adore the way it wraps around the bodies of models, i have seen the opposite happening in real life. Sure, we're no models ourselves (no matter how many people exclaim i look like one), but it's just scary how easily it can go wrong. Plus, it's Pakistan, it just isn't trench-y enough here. is full of looks one can opt for, and most of them have me wanting to buy it.

Maybe I can buy it next season. But it'll have to be either grey or black, cuz that's the trend report.

Now what about that biker?!

P.S. Here's a guide to wearing a trench coat. Click here.