Street Style: The Pakistani Way - Pakistan Street Style

Street style is a very underrated part of the Pakistani fashion world and while i admire the amazing ensembles people don everyday, I wanted to be able to document it. And I didn't do it. But someone else did and she's doing an awesome job at it!

Well, instagram has always been a great medium to show off your outfits and somebody is  out there hunting for the best pakistani looks up there. That is @PakistanStreetStyle. And they repost them to show off to the world. And in a month and a half month, this blog now boats 1600+ followers as of today and they keep increasing day by day!

Follow the blog here.

I had an opportunity to speak to her and her about why she got into promoting pakistani street style and here she tells me

There were a few reasons why I started it. First one being that I love fashion and I enjoy seeing how different people put outfits together. Secondly I wanted a way for like minded Pakistanis to connect. Thirdly, I wanted Pakistanis to have a platform to share their style, I mean there are a billion similar blogs for arab fashion but none for us and I felt we were being ignored. Also I wanted to show a different side of Pakistan. All you see in the news is all the negative stuff going on and while it's heart breaking, I wanted something positive and fun for people to enjoy. Lastly I wanted people to see that there are modern and normal Pakistanis around, not just the kind that wish death to all foreigners. We're just ordinary people like the rest of them. Haha I just realised how deep that all was for a fashion blog. I tend to over think

And this is how Pakistan's first street style blog came into being!

So I asked her to give a list of her favorite outfits she found (in no random order). And here they are.

[caption id="attachment_3405" align="aligncenter" width="553"]I'm in the top ten! Woohoo! I'm in the top ten! Woohoo![/caption]

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