MTV vs Politics
I come home only on holidays and vacations and i only have a few channels on my cable, due to living in a town out of the main city. Thus i'm forced to watch all those lame channels. Thank god there's Star World that comes there, or else i don't know i would've survived without Vtunes.
Now, when my parents come back home from there jobs, they rest. And after they rest, they watch TV. And I'm pretty sure, like everyone else's parents thay also watch news channels. But our news channels are nothing but full of national politics. And i hate it. People just sit there in front of the TV for hours just watching the lame talk shows and debates over the current political situation of our country. God! it's awful.
And You know what else? Everywhere I go, people have nothing else to talk about but who's in and who's out, who's good and who's bad! Like they have nothing else to talk about. It's the ultimate conversation starter with a stranger. People fight, argue, hug, smile, and do what not over something which they can't control. It's just plain stupid
All people's job is, is to vote for the right one and that's all. And i know it's our country and we should be worried for it, but really? That Much? If these people started getting out of their couches and look around themselves, they'll realize that life is much more than politics ( which is only getting depressed and depressed day by day) and there's somewhere a channel called MTV (which, by the way, is a happy channel). And that they're getting fat cuz of all the constant obsession with politics. So if people just leave the worrying of the politics to the politicians and get on with their lives and start following their TEENAGE DREAMS (the ones hanging by the threads up till now), they'll find their lives in much better conditions than before.
So, start telling everyone of the ill effects of watching too much TV, like, Obesity, Depression and tension, and i'm sure they'll come round to being better people, and i'm sure the next cult conversation starter would be "Have you seen the latest video of Ke$ha?" "Come on dude! Don't you watch MTV?"
It's all Hypothetically speaking, the new channel to watch can be anything from Cartoon Network to MTV to Star World or HBO, but never, NEVER our national news channels.
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Now, when my parents come back home from there jobs, they rest. And after they rest, they watch TV. And I'm pretty sure, like everyone else's parents thay also watch news channels. But our news channels are nothing but full of national politics. And i hate it. People just sit there in front of the TV for hours just watching the lame talk shows and debates over the current political situation of our country. God! it's awful.
And You know what else? Everywhere I go, people have nothing else to talk about but who's in and who's out, who's good and who's bad! Like they have nothing else to talk about. It's the ultimate conversation starter with a stranger. People fight, argue, hug, smile, and do what not over something which they can't control. It's just plain stupid
All people's job is, is to vote for the right one and that's all. And i know it's our country and we should be worried for it, but really? That Much? If these people started getting out of their couches and look around themselves, they'll realize that life is much more than politics ( which is only getting depressed and depressed day by day) and there's somewhere a channel called MTV (which, by the way, is a happy channel). And that they're getting fat cuz of all the constant obsession with politics. So if people just leave the worrying of the politics to the politicians and get on with their lives and start following their TEENAGE DREAMS (the ones hanging by the threads up till now), they'll find their lives in much better conditions than before.
So, start telling everyone of the ill effects of watching too much TV, like, Obesity, Depression and tension, and i'm sure they'll come round to being better people, and i'm sure the next cult conversation starter would be "Have you seen the latest video of Ke$ha?" "Come on dude! Don't you watch MTV?"
It's all Hypothetically speaking, the new channel to watch can be anything from Cartoon Network to MTV to Star World or HBO, but never, NEVER our national news channels.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="552" caption="MTV"]