I remember one time at school when my journal ran out of pages and my friend got me a very good looking notebook so i could use it as my new journal, and i kept it in my trunk beneath my bed.
After a few days, I opened my trunk to take out the notebook, but it wasn't there. I looked everywhere but the notebook was never to be found even though i looked at all places possible for it and asked almost everyone in my class.And i forgot all about that beautiful book, until today.

Yes, now i remember that notebook that mysteriously vanished from my trunk only because my cell phone got stolen. Pick pocketed is a better word to describe it. I have ever been so careful while traveling in public transport or while in bazaars and not once has anything ever been lost. But it happened yesterday. But it wasn't even in public transport.My school bus driver forgot to pick me up so i called my parents who were, fortunately, in a bazaar nearby and my father told me to come over. So i went there in public transport, cursing my driver all the while, and i called them to know where they are, i found them and then i sat in the car. It was evening, so my mother asked me to buy a cup of tea for her because evening is usually the tea time. I checked the time from my cell and left the car. I got pistachio ice cream for myself, since it's my favorite and tea for her. And when i got back in the car, i took my cell out to tell my friends about how happy i was to be eating my favorite flavored ice cream and was surprised to find my pocket empty. I looked in all the pockets, since there's like more than half a dozen pockets in my jacket, and found nothing.
My heart skipped a beat and i looked around in the car and i found no trace of it. My dad called on my number, to find it off, which obviously indicated that somebody had it and was clever enough to turn it off. I started to cry, cuz it was MY cell, A PART OF MY SOUL! I felt so empty and hollow. It was my life.
But what's weird was that i never bumped into anybody nor was there any customer in the shop i went to. So that kind of intrigued me that what happened. It was very mysterious.
So now that i was crying, i was sad. And i was so sad that my ice cream melted, and since it's winter, so it's a very long time. I felt depressed, lost and distant from my friends.
And why do people steal other people's stuff? What do they get out of putting a stranger in worry and get cursed for it. It's bad and i don't think people should steal stuff. It hurts and it's saddening for the victim.
Being a teenager, i wondered how my life would now be without texting my friends? It's impossible to live like this and all my bad wishes go out to the person who tore my soul and is now keeping a part of it with him. MY HORCRUX. And it will be a mystery,ALWAYS, and i'll soon forget it, just like that notebook.
But my brother rarely uses his. He texts, but not as much as me, so i think he CAN live without it. Since he's got his SAT's, it'll do him good :)
After a few days, I opened my trunk to take out the notebook, but it wasn't there. I looked everywhere but the notebook was never to be found even though i looked at all places possible for it and asked almost everyone in my class.And i forgot all about that beautiful book, until today.
Yes, now i remember that notebook that mysteriously vanished from my trunk only because my cell phone got stolen. Pick pocketed is a better word to describe it. I have ever been so careful while traveling in public transport or while in bazaars and not once has anything ever been lost. But it happened yesterday. But it wasn't even in public transport.My school bus driver forgot to pick me up so i called my parents who were, fortunately, in a bazaar nearby and my father told me to come over. So i went there in public transport, cursing my driver all the while, and i called them to know where they are, i found them and then i sat in the car. It was evening, so my mother asked me to buy a cup of tea for her because evening is usually the tea time. I checked the time from my cell and left the car. I got pistachio ice cream for myself, since it's my favorite and tea for her. And when i got back in the car, i took my cell out to tell my friends about how happy i was to be eating my favorite flavored ice cream and was surprised to find my pocket empty. I looked in all the pockets, since there's like more than half a dozen pockets in my jacket, and found nothing.
My heart skipped a beat and i looked around in the car and i found no trace of it. My dad called on my number, to find it off, which obviously indicated that somebody had it and was clever enough to turn it off. I started to cry, cuz it was MY cell, A PART OF MY SOUL! I felt so empty and hollow. It was my life.
But what's weird was that i never bumped into anybody nor was there any customer in the shop i went to. So that kind of intrigued me that what happened. It was very mysterious.
So now that i was crying, i was sad. And i was so sad that my ice cream melted, and since it's winter, so it's a very long time. I felt depressed, lost and distant from my friends.
And why do people steal other people's stuff? What do they get out of putting a stranger in worry and get cursed for it. It's bad and i don't think people should steal stuff. It hurts and it's saddening for the victim.
Being a teenager, i wondered how my life would now be without texting my friends? It's impossible to live like this and all my bad wishes go out to the person who tore my soul and is now keeping a part of it with him. MY HORCRUX. And it will be a mystery,ALWAYS, and i'll soon forget it, just like that notebook.
But my brother rarely uses his. He texts, but not as much as me, so i think he CAN live without it. Since he's got his SAT's, it'll do him good :)