Technololgy: How it Affects Us

So i got up early this morning to prepare my little brother for school and i lay down in his bed with him to wake him up softly. I felt sleepy and the bed was warm, so i let myself go down. But something wouldn't. THE WATCH.

Yes, the wall clock. It kept ticking and ticking and ticking and wouldn't let me sleep at all. That is when i thought: Thank God we have digital clocks now, courtesy of technological advancements. Technology Rocks!

But later i realized how wrong that statement is. I mean, just look at our lives now. I, for sure, have realized how much damage technological advancement has done. I'll narrate personal examples. My little brother does not like to go away from our home cuz he has to play computer games, I'm always into my iPod and before that i was into my mp3 which provided me a shell wherever i went and ever since my brother got a cell, he texts away mostly too, something which he hated when i did it and now even if we are in the same room, he would text me to talk. I spend the whole weekend at home in front of the PC and i can't seem to shake off the addiction to technology. And we very well realize how much dependent we are on the whole technology thing that we can't breathe outside our house if we don't have our cell phones with us.

Now i'll narrate examples of my friends. Once a friend of mine told me that he texted his mother to get him water when the kitchen was only a foot away from his room's door. And one of my friends won't go to a certain area only cuz the TV channels he likes are not received by the dish there, let alone cable.

But in some ways it is good. It helps save time by providing us with stuff that help us in our tasks like blenders and coffee machines and toasters. They were supposed to give us time, save us time, so we could spend quality time with our loved ones but apparently they were not the only inventions or gadgets that came out, it wasn't just the normal two toned cell phone that came out, there was a lot to come. And all of it has come, and new stuff will keep on coming. And day by day we grow distant from our loved ones as the inventions of technology get closer to our hearts. Other than all of this, it's also an economical burden on people with children  as the children want every new shining toy that comes out in the form of gadgets.

So in  short, our past slow paced lives were way way better than the present fast ones which are over-ruled by the gadgets in our lives. We've grown distatnt from our families and our relations are torn apart, only from the human race, not the blackberry family. And we call ourselves advancing, progressing towards a better future through new inventions. But what we forget is that our lives are made by the PEOPLE we love, not the material possessions we have, and that we need to give our loved ones more time than our iPhones or Nokias. What will we do when their battery's dead?