My Childhood Escape - Umru Ayaar - Is back!
It was in 2000 or 2001, I'm not sure. But i do know that I was left alone in my village with my brothers to live with my grandparents while my parents were off working abroad for a few months. It was hard. No Cable, no computer and just a VCR and PTV. Manageable, but hard for an 7 year kid addicted to cartoon network and playing computer games all day. I had to go to a madrassa instead of a school, imagine that. But coming from an English medium school and living abroad for over a year, it was hard to adjust to things so different. So "desi." Anyways, apart from skipping classes at madrassa to go eat "gola ganda" and drink 2 rupay ki Pepsi, something good came from actually attending some of the classes. I learned Urdu. Well, Arabic basically, but what's the difference. So no entertainment on my terms.
One day my cousin brought bread from the shops and I saw a small booklet type thing in it. I asked him what it was and he told me it was a novella that came with the bread for free. So i snatched it from him thinking it'd be something cool. And cool it was. I decided to test my urdu skills with what i would like to call "my first Urdu novel(la) reading experience." It was none other than the famous Umru Ayar! Forget spiderman or batman, he was my new hero. With his famous zambeel and his ability to overcome all the fictitious hardships (which you might now find funny, but come on, I was a kid!) and the captivating titles would make me wanna spend my daily two rupee allowance on the books. but then I moved into the city and the city lights stole my heart and I got over it all.
But nearly 12 years later, I got reminded of Umru Ayar by certain famous Paki comic book guys. They're Kachee Goliyan (English:raw bullets) and they have awesome comics and hilarious photos on their facebook page. Anyways, so these truly awesome guys are reviving Umru Ayar and I cannot be more excited about it! And if anyone can revive Umru Ayar in a totally attention grabbing way, it HAD to be them. These guys have already an experience of working in the Paki comic scene with their own comic series sitting on my workstation at my internship, so I'm pretty sure they won't be disappointing age old Umru Ayar fans who might be way way (way way .......) older than me.
So here's a sneak peak of what awesomeness awaits you, in the pictures below. You can pre-order the comic book on this link (Click Here) or like their facebook page (click here) and just reminisce the good old days when you were a kid desperately wanting to be Umru Ayar, not knowing how much you'd miss your childhood superheroes when you'd grow up.

One day my cousin brought bread from the shops and I saw a small booklet type thing in it. I asked him what it was and he told me it was a novella that came with the bread for free. So i snatched it from him thinking it'd be something cool. And cool it was. I decided to test my urdu skills with what i would like to call "my first Urdu novel(la) reading experience." It was none other than the famous Umru Ayar! Forget spiderman or batman, he was my new hero. With his famous zambeel and his ability to overcome all the fictitious hardships (which you might now find funny, but come on, I was a kid!) and the captivating titles would make me wanna spend my daily two rupee allowance on the books. but then I moved into the city and the city lights stole my heart and I got over it all.
But nearly 12 years later, I got reminded of Umru Ayar by certain famous Paki comic book guys. They're Kachee Goliyan (English:raw bullets) and they have awesome comics and hilarious photos on their facebook page. Anyways, so these truly awesome guys are reviving Umru Ayar and I cannot be more excited about it! And if anyone can revive Umru Ayar in a totally attention grabbing way, it HAD to be them. These guys have already an experience of working in the Paki comic scene with their own comic series sitting on my workstation at my internship, so I'm pretty sure they won't be disappointing age old Umru Ayar fans who might be way way (way way .......) older than me.
So here's a sneak peak of what awesomeness awaits you, in the pictures below. You can pre-order the comic book on this link (Click Here) or like their facebook page (click here) and just reminisce the good old days when you were a kid desperately wanting to be Umru Ayar, not knowing how much you'd miss your childhood superheroes when you'd grow up.
The pictures were taken off their Facebook page.