My Picks from the Urban Landscapes at My Art World
Over the years, our lives have evolved. Our cities have evolved and it has had a huge impact on our art. To show the urban effect on our art, and our lives, My Art World, the gallery in Islamabad, is displaying a two person show by Mina Arham & Amal Uppal from today to next week, 20th March. It's gonna be awesome and a fun event.
Check out the sneak peak here

Curator note:
Urban Landscapes is an ode to the ever-evolving cityscapes that surround us. The show is curated in the heart of our capital city Islamabad as a symbolic gesture. It is the seat of government but hasn’t yet experienced the same mushrooming growth of financial centres like Lahore and Karachi. These artists have studied major cities and depicted their organic growth, through expansion of population, buildings, construction and demolitions. These are cities in Pakistan, however, as art, these images represent a global perspective relating to any city in the world.
Zara Sajid
While working on this series, a number of events took place in Lahore, attacks and basic shortages being the most prominent. Though this isn’t news, I feel it is our own personal protest that we still keep going. At this stage I saw my work take a turn and what had originally begun as a salutary study, now was, a visual metaphor for our collective energy as a society.
Amal Uppal
I was born in Lahore, however, I spent most of my childhood in Islamabad. I moved back to Lahore in 2003. I graduated with Honours in Fine Arts from National College of Arts (NCA) in 2014. I was selected for an exchange program which gave me the opportunity to visit Japan in 2013. Since graduating I have exhibited in Islamabad, Lahore and Indonesia. Currently, I am working with the Agha Khan Foundation at the Shahi Hamaam in Lahore. Here, I have gotten the rare opportunity to restore murals and Fresco paintings which is taking place for the first time in Pakistan's history.
Mina Arham
ADDRESS: My Art World
5,A, Agha Khan Road,F-6/3, Islamabad, Pakistan-4000