In Conversation With The Man Behind Dappistan
Dappistan is the first instagram account from Pakistan focused on just mens fashion from across the globe, with a focus on desi menswear and Pakistani men's street style. The account mainly reposts the images of stylish Pakistani men from not just Pakistan, but settled abroad too, so it adds dimensions to the kind of style one can find in the Pakistani community.
I got a chance to talk to the guy behind Dappistan, Shayan, and he was an amazing person to talk about menswear and style. Here's our conversation.
So I have been following you on instagram since you started. How has the experience been? What prompted you to start the blog?
Well thats amazing! Haha. Instagram has been a medium of expression for me and quite a lot of people out there. I have always felt like there was something missing when it came to menswear and Men in general with the whole global fashion scenario. Whenever people talk about fashion, usually we think of it as a female oriented field. Most of the top bloggers are women, even in Pakistan. Pakistani men lack style. I have no shame in saying that. I have rarely come across people who have an amazing sense of style (in Pakistan). There isn't much happening for men when it comes to Fashion. So I started Dappistan as an answer to that. Don't get me wrong when I say this, I don't mean to sound misogynistic. The blog took off, it still has a niche following but it is the way I like it! The whole experience has been interesting...if I could sum it up in one word!
The experience has been something I did not expect to be honest. I knew that there were not a lot of mens fashions blogs out there but I did not expect it to be what it has become today. A lot of guys message me asking about my opinion and I feel weird and nice at the same time to know that they regard my opinion that much. So Dappistan has been a learning experience and an expression of my style...a medium for me to display what I think is a product of a good sense of style.
Why the name Dappistan?
I thought a lot about the name for a blog. And it took me quite a few days to think of one to be honest. Then one day it just clicked Dappistan! Dapper + Pakistan !
How has the response been?
The response, well lets just say it has been decent (for the lack of a better word). The following has grown ever since I started hence I am more than grateful to the followers who regularly "Comment" "Like" and "Tag" me in posts.
Why do you think Pakistani men are so poorly dressed IRL (In Real Life)?
Not all of them dress up poorly. But even people who can afford high quality "Fashion" would end up pairing the pieces in the worst possible way.
I have noticed that for most of the young pakistani men out there, looking stylish was about wearing an Hermes Belt, or Gucci Loafers or something from Louis Vuitton without caring about what they pair it with. There is generally a lack of awareness firstly. Secondly a lot of Pakistani men are apprehensive when it comes to experimenting. I think that has do with the fact that generally Pakistanis have the fear of being judged for what they look like. And the apprehension is what keeps us from being true to ourselves.
I have been thinking a lot about how hard it must be to choose images for you on instagram to repost. What thoughts come to your mind when scrolling through the hashtag Dappistan? How do you choose the images?
Its hard. I usually have to ignore a lot of the images because they don't fit my criteria. The pictures that are reposted are the ones that portray an amazing sense of style, individuality and personality. The picture has to be in alignment with my own personal sense of style and even if it isn't, If i like how the clothes are paired up i'll repost the picture. Then the picture has to be a full length picture to give the followers a better perspective of how to complete an entire look, a better perspective on how to pair items of clothing and accessories together.
Do you believe in individuality of style? and how as a person evolves, the style evolves too? I'd like some views on that
I do believe that. Completely! For me Style is an extension of one's individuality. One's style might tell you everything you need to know about them from things like how seriously they take themselves in life to whether they care about being judged.
Style definitely evolves as you grow up. Style evolves tremendously if you're a traveler because you get to see different people from around the world and the way that they dress up. Style is basically an amalgamation of all your inspirations from life, street style and and your individuality!
Speaking of traveling, you recently visited the UK, and what I'm interested in how did you feel the style of the south Asian men there reflects the part of the culture they are from?
People in the UK have an amazing sense of style. They are well aware of the current Fashion scenario and more importantly they aren't afraid of wearing what they like. Standing on the streets of London, you can literally find all the inspiration you need for your own style. South Asian men in the UK usually wear western clothing but then every now and then you would see someone who would incorporate something cultural into their western ensemble. I think Sikh men are the only ones who stay true to their culture and are extremely stylish!
What do you think of the menswear in Pakistan and the street style for the guys here?
To be very honest, the street style in Pakistan is phenomenal and awe-inspiring; I'm talking about both men and women here. The Menswear Industry in Pakistan is evolving but it has a verrrrrry (with focus on the word "very" with multiple R's) long way to go. We have amazing brands like Republic like Omar Farooq and Ammar Belal who give me hope. And then other brands like Maknatees, Markhor, Emraan Rajput and DeepaknFahadd who are coming out with brilliant collections and products. Then we have the veterans Khaadi and Bareeze Man. I can not stop talking about how inspired I am with Bareeze Man and their work. The clothes are becoming more expensive but the quality of work and the creativity is remarkable! Kudos to all these brands that I have mentioned but we still need more brands that provide a wide variety of shoes, accessories and clothes. I remember roaming around Lahore looking for a bow tie 2 years ago, and not the ready made one but the one you tie yourself. I searched for it for days until I gave up and got it made myself. The point here being, there is still alot that needs to be provided to the men in Pakistan when it comes to menswear. We need brands like Topman and RiverIsland but made in Pakistan! Affordable, Fashionable and Eclectic!
Do you believe in trends? do you think men should adapt to those? If not, then what should one go for when choosing an outfit?
I think that trends fade with time. But a lot of men keep trends that they love alive by continuing to follow them even after they fade out. Men should adapt trends that they like. Not every trend is a good trend. I personally hate the "Hipster-Man-bun" trend. I think it is ridiculous for me but its sweeping the globe, and a lot of guys are digging the look. Good for them.
How would you define your personal style? what influences your sartorial choices?
Ha ha I love that question. Well my personal style is just eccentric. A lot of my friends wouldn't ever wear what I'm wearing but would appreciate the look. I love individual pieces! I like minimal looks. My choices are influenced by everything! Literally. I get inspired by art, videos, people, music, places....
What kind of Art do you like? Any favorites? And Music! What's on repeat nowadays on your playlist?
I can't ever get people to understand my love for art. I love every form of art. Theatre and music being on the top of the list.
Right now I'm listening to Hozier, George Ezra and Sia!
[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
What do you think of Sia's style?
Her whole concept of Social experimentation is brilliant. She stopped showing her face to the masses because she believed in her art more than fame. It sounds cliched but not everyone can pull this off and it is working. Her voice is so different ...its husky, raspy, raw and full of pain. Everything about her is unique.
Ok, back to menswear. what do you think guys here in Pakistan can do to dress better. What should thy focus on? what to miss?
Fix their sense of Fashion.
But trainers are back in trend!
Like I said before. Not every trend is for me.
But yeah the trainer trend is tricky....people shouldn't follow this trend unless they have a bad ass pair of trainers!
Any word for the Pakistani menswear industry people?
Designers need to study the international Fashion trends and street style. Street style is the best way to understand trends. AND please focus more on men. We need more affordable clothing for the young men in Pakistan. We need variety! Affordable ready to wear suits! THAT IS MISSING! and not just plain blacks and greys. Please experiment with colors!
Thank you so much for doing this with me Mr. Dappistan
HAHAH You're most Welcome Mr. That Paki Blog
Follow Dappistan on instagram here
and Facebook here.
I hope you guys liked the interview. It's always fun talking to people about fashion, and menswear in Pakistan. I have an another amazing interview lined up so stay tuned for that!
I got a chance to talk to the guy behind Dappistan, Shayan, and he was an amazing person to talk about menswear and style. Here's our conversation.
So I have been following you on instagram since you started. How has the experience been? What prompted you to start the blog?
Well thats amazing! Haha. Instagram has been a medium of expression for me and quite a lot of people out there. I have always felt like there was something missing when it came to menswear and Men in general with the whole global fashion scenario. Whenever people talk about fashion, usually we think of it as a female oriented field. Most of the top bloggers are women, even in Pakistan. Pakistani men lack style. I have no shame in saying that. I have rarely come across people who have an amazing sense of style (in Pakistan). There isn't much happening for men when it comes to Fashion. So I started Dappistan as an answer to that. Don't get me wrong when I say this, I don't mean to sound misogynistic. The blog took off, it still has a niche following but it is the way I like it! The whole experience has been interesting...if I could sum it up in one word!
The experience has been something I did not expect to be honest. I knew that there were not a lot of mens fashions blogs out there but I did not expect it to be what it has become today. A lot of guys message me asking about my opinion and I feel weird and nice at the same time to know that they regard my opinion that much. So Dappistan has been a learning experience and an expression of my style...a medium for me to display what I think is a product of a good sense of style.

Why the name Dappistan?
I thought a lot about the name for a blog. And it took me quite a few days to think of one to be honest. Then one day it just clicked Dappistan! Dapper + Pakistan !
How has the response been?
The response, well lets just say it has been decent (for the lack of a better word). The following has grown ever since I started hence I am more than grateful to the followers who regularly "Comment" "Like" and "Tag" me in posts.

Why do you think Pakistani men are so poorly dressed IRL (In Real Life)?
Not all of them dress up poorly. But even people who can afford high quality "Fashion" would end up pairing the pieces in the worst possible way.
I have noticed that for most of the young pakistani men out there, looking stylish was about wearing an Hermes Belt, or Gucci Loafers or something from Louis Vuitton without caring about what they pair it with. There is generally a lack of awareness firstly. Secondly a lot of Pakistani men are apprehensive when it comes to experimenting. I think that has do with the fact that generally Pakistanis have the fear of being judged for what they look like. And the apprehension is what keeps us from being true to ourselves.

I have been thinking a lot about how hard it must be to choose images for you on instagram to repost. What thoughts come to your mind when scrolling through the hashtag Dappistan? How do you choose the images?
Its hard. I usually have to ignore a lot of the images because they don't fit my criteria. The pictures that are reposted are the ones that portray an amazing sense of style, individuality and personality. The picture has to be in alignment with my own personal sense of style and even if it isn't, If i like how the clothes are paired up i'll repost the picture. Then the picture has to be a full length picture to give the followers a better perspective of how to complete an entire look, a better perspective on how to pair items of clothing and accessories together.

Do you believe in individuality of style? and how as a person evolves, the style evolves too? I'd like some views on that
I do believe that. Completely! For me Style is an extension of one's individuality. One's style might tell you everything you need to know about them from things like how seriously they take themselves in life to whether they care about being judged.
Style definitely evolves as you grow up. Style evolves tremendously if you're a traveler because you get to see different people from around the world and the way that they dress up. Style is basically an amalgamation of all your inspirations from life, street style and and your individuality!

Speaking of traveling, you recently visited the UK, and what I'm interested in how did you feel the style of the south Asian men there reflects the part of the culture they are from?
People in the UK have an amazing sense of style. They are well aware of the current Fashion scenario and more importantly they aren't afraid of wearing what they like. Standing on the streets of London, you can literally find all the inspiration you need for your own style. South Asian men in the UK usually wear western clothing but then every now and then you would see someone who would incorporate something cultural into their western ensemble. I think Sikh men are the only ones who stay true to their culture and are extremely stylish!

What do you think of the menswear in Pakistan and the street style for the guys here?
To be very honest, the street style in Pakistan is phenomenal and awe-inspiring; I'm talking about both men and women here. The Menswear Industry in Pakistan is evolving but it has a verrrrrry (with focus on the word "very" with multiple R's) long way to go. We have amazing brands like Republic like Omar Farooq and Ammar Belal who give me hope. And then other brands like Maknatees, Markhor, Emraan Rajput and DeepaknFahadd who are coming out with brilliant collections and products. Then we have the veterans Khaadi and Bareeze Man. I can not stop talking about how inspired I am with Bareeze Man and their work. The clothes are becoming more expensive but the quality of work and the creativity is remarkable! Kudos to all these brands that I have mentioned but we still need more brands that provide a wide variety of shoes, accessories and clothes. I remember roaming around Lahore looking for a bow tie 2 years ago, and not the ready made one but the one you tie yourself. I searched for it for days until I gave up and got it made myself. The point here being, there is still alot that needs to be provided to the men in Pakistan when it comes to menswear. We need brands like Topman and RiverIsland but made in Pakistan! Affordable, Fashionable and Eclectic!

Do you believe in trends? do you think men should adapt to those? If not, then what should one go for when choosing an outfit?
I think that trends fade with time. But a lot of men keep trends that they love alive by continuing to follow them even after they fade out. Men should adapt trends that they like. Not every trend is a good trend. I personally hate the "Hipster-Man-bun" trend. I think it is ridiculous for me but its sweeping the globe, and a lot of guys are digging the look. Good for them.
How would you define your personal style? what influences your sartorial choices?
Ha ha I love that question. Well my personal style is just eccentric. A lot of my friends wouldn't ever wear what I'm wearing but would appreciate the look. I love individual pieces! I like minimal looks. My choices are influenced by everything! Literally. I get inspired by art, videos, people, music, places....

What kind of Art do you like? Any favorites? And Music! What's on repeat nowadays on your playlist?
I can't ever get people to understand my love for art. I love every form of art. Theatre and music being on the top of the list.
Right now I'm listening to Hozier, George Ezra and Sia!
[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]
What do you think of Sia's style?
Her whole concept of Social experimentation is brilliant. She stopped showing her face to the masses because she believed in her art more than fame. It sounds cliched but not everyone can pull this off and it is working. Her voice is so different ...its husky, raspy, raw and full of pain. Everything about her is unique.
Ok, back to menswear. what do you think guys here in Pakistan can do to dress better. What should thy focus on? what to miss?
Fix their sense of Fashion.
- They should focus on loosing the whole concept of wearing clothes around their branded belts and shoes. Incorporate good shoes...tasseled slippers! For summers focus on a lighter color palette. Do not mix up a lot of patterns. Start focusing on fabric other than Denim and start experimenting with trousers!
- Throw away your sneakers and Joggers! DO NOT WEAR THEM everyday
But trainers are back in trend!
Like I said before. Not every trend is for me.
But yeah the trainer trend is tricky....people shouldn't follow this trend unless they have a bad ass pair of trainers!
Any word for the Pakistani menswear industry people?
Designers need to study the international Fashion trends and street style. Street style is the best way to understand trends. AND please focus more on men. We need more affordable clothing for the young men in Pakistan. We need variety! Affordable ready to wear suits! THAT IS MISSING! and not just plain blacks and greys. Please experiment with colors!

Thank you so much for doing this with me Mr. Dappistan
HAHAH You're most Welcome Mr. That Paki Blog
Follow Dappistan on instagram here
and Facebook here.
I hope you guys liked the interview. It's always fun talking to people about fashion, and menswear in Pakistan. I have an another amazing interview lined up so stay tuned for that!