Jonas Brothers Keep Us Hoping It's More than Just "The First Time"
We love how the Jonas Brothers are trying to go ahead in this world where they once ruled, before Justin Bieber took over their throne. But hey, they’re grown up and that’s how grown ups deal with such stuff, they come out with ‘grown up” songs. Clearly, the experiences they've had during their hiatus are paying off. Their recently released new single “The First Time” is a catchy pop song that is very different from what these guys are known to do, reminds one of the Brit band Two Door Cinema Club. If you thought the video for Pom Poms was different, wait till you hear this. With this song, they’re ready to leave their roots behind. The song is a mid tempo song that is just perfect to dance to at your summer parties. And since summers are notorious for Summer Romances, this song might be the perfect back drop to your “first time” out with a new love. The lyrics are young, fun and go along with the sound the song projects.
Clearly, this evolution is worth it! The Jonas Brothers are off to a fresh start and with a tour on the way and if they keep coming up with such amazing music, then not only will their old fan base be excited, but it might gain them new followers.