London Fashion Week Menswear: LooksILike From Day 3
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Tom Ford's collection was a bit too much for me. I know floral is the rage, but I can never learn to love it, I think. Anyways, this look seemed the best from the whole collection. Image Courtesy:[/caption]
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Xander Zhou's S/S 2014 Collection at LFW is dark, and seems very plastic. but it's a very aesthetically pleasing collection. I liked this look a lot from it. Image Courtesy:[/caption]
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Baartmans and Siegel's S/S 2014 collection was very wearable, consisting of mean and weird styles that executed well. weirdly. But I liked this look a lot. Lot's of black and lots of jackets! Image Courtesy:[/caption]
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Christopher Raeburn's S/S 2014 LFW collection was an ode to the earth. And 'm loving the combo of the prints and earthly colors. Pastel too! This look seemed pretty cool among all the looks on the ramp. But the clothes no doubt were very good!
Image Courtesy:[/caption]
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Nicole Farhi's Menswear S/S 2014 collection at LFW was an amazing collection. Very wearable and artsy. Artsy becasue the patterns were just awesome and the twist she gave to them was great. Also, it was all blue and gray and gave a very youthful and young feel to the clothes. Definitely something I would wear. It was tough one on the looks to decide, but I just love this button down sweater.
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Burberry Prorsum S/S 2014 collection was a little bit of a tilt from their regular stuff; it was colorful! And I'm loving it. But True to the Burberry name they are :D They're just the clothes that can land you on the "Best Dressed" List. Image Courtesy:[/caption]
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Hentsch Man S/S 2014 re-imagines the cowboy. It's hipster-meet-cowboy and it's the perfect look to pull off. It's young, energetic and SO HIPSTER! A fresh sight from the dulls we saw. So modern yet so old!
Image Courtesy: TheFashionGuyBlog[/caption]
So that's pretty much it. For me, day 3 was a disappointment!
Anyways, I hope you liked what I selected :)
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Image Courtesy: TheFashionGuyBlog[/caption]
So that's pretty much it. For me, day 3 was a disappointment!
Anyways, I hope you liked what I selected :)