Day Off
Apparently I'm the only one who wakes up at this time. 01:12pm. huh. Dad didn't come for lunch again. Perfect time to use the PC, since my li'l bro is out playing and my elder bro must be off for prayers. Whatever. I open my facebook. God! Can these people be more effing self obsessed. I get it, your life is perfect. On facebook!
Whatever, I have to go. I feel tired.
It's 5:30pm and the Azaan is blaring in my head. God! I hate this migraine. I can't wait for the speakers to die. I need to go bathe.
I love hot water. The Dustin O'Halloran music is so calming. He should win an Oscar for his music. And I should win a grammy for my album. That I'm gonna work on after I leave home after graduating, that is IF I graduate. This dentist shit is so hard. So not what i want.
God! Where is the towel! Why do they have to go in my room all the time??
I am not gonna iron my clothes, it's not my fault the maid doesn't do it when I ask her to. Well, another day to insult my mum's kitty party. huh. I should go bicycling.
"Bhai! I'm taking our bike!"
"No, you already broke the breaks"
He can chase me all he wants, the bike's faster. Who told them to give my bike to the cook. Serves them well.
Shit, he used my iPod again. No wonder it's out of charge. It always is, anyways. I like chocolate, a lot. And I can eat those expensive ice creams like models do in the adverts. Sun in the air, music in my ears, and my perfect lips. The only thing I like about my body, and my long legs. This biking thing is so calming. Almost like meditation. the only time i can live the movies.
I should probably go to bed, I'm not gonna get the PC anyways, he must be playing that stupid DOTA2, and GEO has kidnapped my parents. for life. Huh.
My cell buzzes. Where is it? how many times I will tell them, do not mess with my mess. I live in this dump. And only i can navigate it!
Ha, here, in my cupboard. Classy!
"What's up" it reads.
Nothing. my life sucks. I hate everyone. Plus you. Texting me after two weeks.Like i'd reply to that. Whatever. I hate it. I'm so lonely. I don't have any friends. And my brothers are so self absorbed. Don't even get me started on the parents. Ew! Whatever.
It's 02:00am. I should check my facebook. Shit, I didn't make the assignment. Is the vacation over already? I HATE MED SCHOOL!! Why does everyone have to remind it on the class group at the last minute. I am so not doing it! I have so much to do. I have to read books that I missed out on, I have to attend events my boarding life took from me. I have to be the man I couldn't be. They can never take over my life. i won't let them. I'll just study. Or cheat. Maybe. Whatever.
I should sleep. Else I'll wake up with another headache. Like this life's not enough of one.
Actually, it's just a collection of weird events in my life. I was watching this movie Tiny Furniture and was inspired by that to write this post. I know it's very real, which it probably is. But it's a series of events that took place over a course of months that I thought would look good in this format.
[vimeo 57600064 w=500 h=281]
Tiny Furniture from Kate Dunn on Vimeo.