TrendILike: The Rolled Up Pants
As a kid, my mum would make me wear oversized pants only because they would last a season more than intended. Well, that's what happens generally here. So i was made to roll up my pants only because they were too big for me. Good going on the budget mum! I hated it. A lot. It made me feel....I don't know, Left out? I didn't wanna be the kid with rolled up pants.
But now i do. Oh, I know how much my mum's gonna love this little piece of info, but almost a decade and a half later, the trend of rolled up pants is here. And well, I kinda like it. They say people with long legs can pull it off better! Yay me!
[caption id="attachment_2581" align="aligncenter" width="438"]
Image Courtesy: MyThreads Facebook Page[/caption]
Anyways, if you have that pair of pants passed down to you from your elder bro, like in my case, it's time to rejoice instead of moaning. This season go out rolled up. But make sure you
Chinos go perfect with this trend
Denims won't hurt too. But beware, denims are deceptive, so make sure it suits you before going for this.
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Image Courtesy:[/caption]
Don't wear socks with the shoes. It ruins the purpose of folding the pants in the first place. Show those ankles off!

And even if you do wear socks, make sure they are cool patterned ones that look great.

Try experimenting with colors. I personally find rolling up a handkerchief along with the pants will do the trick. Or stitch a cool cloth with it. I don't know, go out of the norm to make your look stand out, but not look too weird.
Oxfords, loafers and boat shoes would look great with it! Try any of those. These shoes are a must have anyways in your wardrobe. Please grow up and get yourself a pair anyways.
Sandals sandals sandals. Period. Even though this one is hard to pull off, but when done right, looks better than shoes!
[vimeo w=700&h=393]
The Standard : Tame the Roll from Richer Poorer on Vimeo.
But now i do. Oh, I know how much my mum's gonna love this little piece of info, but almost a decade and a half later, the trend of rolled up pants is here. And well, I kinda like it. They say people with long legs can pull it off better! Yay me!
[caption id="attachment_2581" align="aligncenter" width="438"]
Anyways, if you have that pair of pants passed down to you from your elder bro, like in my case, it's time to rejoice instead of moaning. This season go out rolled up. But make sure you
Chinos go perfect with this trend
[caption id="attachment_2580" align="aligncenter" width="400"]
Don't wear socks with the shoes. It ruins the purpose of folding the pants in the first place. Show those ankles off!
And even if you do wear socks, make sure they are cool patterned ones that look great.
Try experimenting with colors. I personally find rolling up a handkerchief along with the pants will do the trick. Or stitch a cool cloth with it. I don't know, go out of the norm to make your look stand out, but not look too weird.
Oxfords, loafers and boat shoes would look great with it! Try any of those. These shoes are a must have anyways in your wardrobe. Please grow up and get yourself a pair anyways.
Sandals sandals sandals. Period. Even though this one is hard to pull off, but when done right, looks better than shoes!
[vimeo w=700&h=393]
The Standard : Tame the Roll from Richer Poorer on Vimeo.