Milan Fashion Week Menswear: LooksILike from Day 1
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Corneliani's S/S 2014 collection was pretty easy on the eyes and even though it had the visual aesthtics already tried and used, it WAS very creative and a good collection. I like this look because the shirt is really really good. See, THAT's the kinda creativity I was talking about.
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Ermenegildo Zegna's S/S collection was a very cool and simple collection with very wearable and well tailored pieces. The hues and placement of colors was very well done and the collection was very cohesive overall. I like this look because this is something I would wear, might be one of the only few youthful looks in the collection. This one is definitely for the people who like to dress classy no matter what the weather. Even the shorts were so classy!
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Andrea Pompilio's S/S 2014 collection was a very youthful and wearable take on the tribal patterns. A very colourful collection with almost every look I liked, this one was a hard one to choose from. Stripes made a splash here and orange/red was in spirit of the summer, along with white. I don't know, but this collection. While everyone else is doing florals , this tribal patterned take on that trend was refreshing!
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Costume National Homme's S/S 2014 collection was a very safe and meh collection that failed to hit any mark. If you like leather, then this one is for you. But don't expect to be awed as this collection offers nothing new to your wardrobe, nothing you won't already have. But I like this look because of the tee the guy is wearing. Oh, and the shoes in styling were good, btw.
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Andrea Incontri's S/S 2014 collection is full of stripes and blues and flowers! It's colorful and fun and an awesome collection that's not trying too hard to make a statement or not trying at all. It hits all the right marks and I love it. The blue pants with the white striped patterns and all is just amazing. I WANT these pants!
Image Courtesy: Some Blog I stumbled upon through google that didn't cite the real source.[/caption]
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Les Hommes S/S 2014 colelction was just, WOW! It was well structured, styled and looked great. Plus, it was high on the creative part too. The leather accents were just the perfect touch an the colors were just perfect. A wonderful display of minimalism. The suits were too damn good! Loved the collection. All of it!
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John Varvatos's S/S 2014 collection was just an epic take to rockstar-dom. From the youthful energy and the bursting "rock star attitude" of the collection, the clothes were just perfect. The suits and the jackets were the best parts of the collection, specially the blacks. he styling was great and well, I loved it all. This look I like cuz of the front of the jacket; it's so cool! This collection had looks i would love to don all of.
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Neil Barrett's S/S 2014 collection was just perfect take on the trend of black I'm noticing. It was a minimalistic collection with the colors limited to just red, white, grey, black and white. But it didn't mean it was a bad collection; it was great! The patterns and the creativity spoke high volumes and it was pretty cool. If checks aren't your thing, then this collection might make you fall in love with them. This look i simple and perfect if you add a pair of aviator shades!
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If Versace was going into a young guy's mind, then they went in pretty deep and it' pretty evident in their collection It's as confused as I am right now (about my life). The collection may be trying too hard to be young and hip. And it fails. It fails miserably. I have no words to describe the disaster this collection was. For me, at the very least. But this look was actually pretty good. really good, so it makes the list. But still, too much disappointments.
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Philipp Plein S/S 2014 colelction was another rock star oriented collection with lots of studs. And i like it. But the structure of the collection was just weird and the styling too. Their suits were ok but the jackets were the best, the leather jackets.
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